Girls team barred from women’s locker room after objecting to changing in front of trans athlete

Welcome to 2022, when girls complaining about a dude in their locker room are the ones who get evicted. 

I’m curious how long parents will allow this to happen to their daughters? 

Transgender Facebookscreenshot

Members of a Vermont high school girls volleyball team have been barred from using their locker room allegedly because they objected to having to change in front of a transgender teammate.

According to WCAX-3
, Randolph High School volleyball team member Blake Allen said the controversy started after the trans teammate “made an inappropriate comment” to the girls when they were getting changed.

Allen said she doesn’t have an issue with having a transgender teammate, just that the teammate uses the same area to get changed as the (biological) girls do. Vermont state law allows transgender students to “play sports and use the locker room corresponding to their gender.”

Allen intimated that team members who had objected were dealing with possible harassment and bullying charges; an email sent home to Randolph HS parents said administrators were looking into whether the girls had harassed the transgender player.

However, another local news station’s 

 said the school was not taking sides on the issue during its investigation.