France – Worst wine harvest since 1945

TNewImagehe reason: spring cold and late frosts this year. Of course, the BBC is not discussing that since it’s counter to the narrative. 

Here are estimates of the drops in wine production by country:

•  Italian production will fall 23% to 39.3 million hectolitres.

•  French production will drop 19% to 36.7 million hectolitres … its worst harvest since 1945.

•  Spanish production will be 15% lower at 33.5 million hectolitres.

•  A hectolitre is 100 litres, equivalent to about 133 standard 750mL bottles.

The BBC may blame ‘extreme weather,’ but back in August the French agriculture minister presented a more honest picture, saying that the losses were “mainly attributable to the severe spring frost.”

Bitter cold struck twice within a week in April, ravaging fragile shoots and buds.

Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Hungary also experienced hard frosts this year, and were worried that wine harvests could fall by 30%, even up to 60% in some areas.

Via Ice Age Now