This confirms what I have been told.
Riddle me this: what will France look like just 5 years from now, as they both continue to bring in jihadis to the country as refugees, and as the radicalization continues at 60% every two years?
“France sees 60% rise in ‘radicalized Muslims’ in 2 years,” ANSAmed, August 11, 2017:
(ANSAmed) – PARIS, AUGUST 11 – The number of people suspected of Islamic radicalization in France has risen by 60% in two years, reports Le Figaro.
The daily said that there are currently 18,550 cases within the Fichier des Signalements pour la Prévention et la Radicalisation à Caractère Terroriste (FSPRT), which collects reports from the prefect’s office, the police, gendarmerie and the public….