FLASHBACK: That Time GQ Laughed Off Teddy Kennedy’s Sexual Harassment And Assault


Yup. The Dems didn’t have any problem with it. 

The open acceptance by the media of sexual harassment of women by famous Democrats preceded their tolerance of sexual misconduct by the notorious Bill Clinton. No better case of the media sniggering over Democrats’ mistreatment of women can be found than the 1990 profile by GQ of that noted paragon of morality, Ted Kennedy.

What is truly astonishing is that as late as April 2016, GQ revived that salacious 1990 piece, called “Ted Kennedy on the Rocks,” with this approving headline: “FROM THE GQ ARCHIVES: The once-strong voice of liberalism is now slurred, but the bibulous Kennedy boyo remains the life of the party.”

Life of the party, indeed. The 1990 portrait gushed:

For his hard public drinking, his obsessive public womanizing and his frequent boorishness, he has become a late-century legend, Teddy the Terrible, the Kennedy Untrammeled. In Washington, it sometimes seems as if everyone knows someone who has slept with Kennedy, been invited to sleep with Kennedy, seen Kennedy drunk, been insulted by Kennedy.

The stories of Kennedy’s sexual harassment were profuse. For example, this, from the article:

In a downtown office, a former congressional page tells of her surprise meeting with Kennedy three years ago. She was 16 then. It was evening and she and her 16-year-old page, an attractive blonde, were walking down the Capitol steps on their way home from work when Kennedy’s limo pulled up and the senator opened the door. In the backseat stood a bottle of wine on ice. Leaning his graying head out the door, the senator popped the question: Would one of the girls care to join him for dinner? No. How about the other?

Har-de-har-har-har. Right, GQ? After all, as the article noted, “Perhaps this seems unfair. From all available evidence, God created our elected officials to drink and screw around.”

Oh, but there was more, of course, including the infamous incident in 1985 in which the six-foot-two, 225-plus-pound Kennedy allegedly grabbed five-foot-three, 103-pound Brasserie waitress Carla Gaviglio, threw her on a table, then reportedly picked her up and threw her on Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, who was sprawled in a chair. Then Kennedy allegedly jumped on top of her and began rubbing his genital area against hers. GQ wrote, “Bruised, shaken and angry over what she considered a sexual assault, Gaviglio runs from the room.”

What she considered a sexual assault?

Via The Daily Wire