FBI Announces that the Investigation into the Clinton Foundation is Still Ongoing!

NewImageHopefully this is more of “draining the swamp”.

Officials at FBI headquarters instructed its New York field office to continue its corruption investigation into the Clinton Foundation following the election of Republican candidate Donald Trump, according to a former senior law enforcement official.

The instructions ordered agents to “go forward” with their ongoing inquiry into the Clinton Foundation which is focusing on issues of corruption and money laundering, according to the source.

“There were no instructions to shut it down, to discontinue or to stand down on the investigation, but to continue its work,” the former official told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.

He said he received this information about a week ago and that the order originated from the bureau’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. well after the Nov. 8 election. He did not know who at FBI Headquarters issued the order.

The same source broke the news to TheDCNF that the FBI was conducting a multi-city probe of the foundation in as many as five cities: New York, Little Rock, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Miami. The source did not know the status of the bureau’s work in the four other cities.

After the election, President-elect Donald Trump indicated that prosecuting rival Hillary Clinton or her foundation would not be a priority.

In an interview with the New York Times on November 21, he said, “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t.”

But he didn’t rule out a continuing probe of the foundation, saying, “we’ll have people that do things,” on the foundation, which the Times wrote was, “perhaps a reference to the FBI or Republicans who might continue to press for prosecutions in the email or foundation cases.”

Via Daily Caller