Facebook Bans Franklin Graham for 24 Hours Over ‘Bathroom Bill’ Post From 2016

You may have free speech as long as it’s speech that we agree with. 

Christian evangelist Franklin Graham has revealed that he was banned from posting on Facebook for 24 hours last week after a post he wrote in 2016 about North Carolina’s House Bill 2 (called the “bathroom bill”) was reviewed and deemed to be in violation of Facebook’s “community standards on hate speech.”

After Graham blasted the social network for the banning, a spokesperson from Facebook said Saturday that it was a “mistake” made by a member of their content review team who decided the post contained “dehumanizing language,” and that the post in question had been restored.

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Here is the full text of the post that was removed as “hate speech”:

Bruce Springsteen, a long-time gay rights activist, has cancelled his North Carolina concert. He says the NC law #HB2 to prevent men from being able to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms is going “backwards instead of forwards.” Well, to be honest, we need to go back! Back to God. Back to respecting and honoring His commands. Back to common sense. Mr. Springsteen, a nation embracing sin and bowing at the feet of godless secularism and political correctness is not progress. I’m thankful North Carolina has a governor, Pat McCrory, and a lieutenant governor, Dan Forest, and legislators who put the safety of our women and children first! HB2 protects the safety and privacy of women and children and preserves the human rights of millions of faith-based citizens of this state.

3 thoughts on “Facebook Bans Franklin Graham for 24 Hours Over ‘Bathroom Bill’ Post From 2016”

  1. Scott Dredge

    Facebook is not a government entity thus free speech is not applicable in this instance.

    1. Scott,

      You and I totally agree. Facebook is free to refuse service to anyone and for any reason whatsoever.

      Just like the Christian baker…

  2. Scott Dredge

    The Christian baker is free to refuse service to everyone equally and that’s exactly what he’s doing by not baking wedding cakes any longer. By baking a cake for Lee and Shane (hetero) but not the exact same cake for Lee and Shane (homo), he violates anti-discrimination law. He certainly has the right challenge the constitutionality of those laws, but he’s clearly discriminating on the basis of gender.

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