Expert: Census citizenship question would hurt Latino count

3901602590750149707Should representation of elected officials be based on how many citizens are present? Or how many illegals you can muster? 

Follow the money. 

SAN FRANCISCO – Asking people whether they are U.S. citizens on the 2020 census would worsen the undercount of Latinos and non-citizens compared with other groups, an expert in surveys said Monday at the start of a trial over the Trump administration’s decision to include the question for the first time in 70 years.

Colm O’Muircheartaigh, a professor at the University of Chicago, said the question would reduce the percentage of Latinos and non-citizens who respond to the census questionnaire. He testified in federal court for California and numerous cities that argue that asking about citizenship is politically motivated. The state and cities are suing the U.S. government to keep the question off the population count that is done every decade.

California has the largest number of foreign-born residents and non-citizens of any state, so an undercount would jeopardize its federal funding and congressional representation, the state said in the lawsuit.

Figures from the census are used to determine the distribution of congressional seats to states and billions of dollars in federal funding.