DNC Chair Lays It Down, Saying All Democratic Candidates Must Support Abortion

Not only is it a platform of the Democratic Party, but you cannot be a candidate unless you support the murder of the unborn. 

DNC Chair Demands All Democratic Candidates MUST Support Abortion

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez is now demanding conformity from his party members on the issue of abortion, claiming that “every Democrat” must support a woman’s right to terminate her unborn child and promising to only support Democratic candidates who line up on his side of this ideological aisle.


“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said in a statement. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.” 

“At a time when women’s rights are under assault from the White House, the Republican Congress, and in states across the country,” he added, “we must speak up for this principle as loudly as ever and with one voice.” 

At the time he made the statement, Perez was reportedly facing criticism over the DNC’s endorsement of Heath Mello, a historically anti-abortion Democrat who’s running for mayor on Omaha. According to the Hill, the allegedly pro-diversity DNC’s new “for abortion-lovers only” stance is likely to alienate the relatively few pro-life Democratic politicians out there, including West Virginia’s relatively middle-of-the-road Joe Manchin.

Perez probably should have checked in with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi before planting this particular flag, considering the avidly pro-abortion California Democrat recently went on record as saying that “of course” someone can be both a Democrat and anti-abortion (although she missed the memo that you can’t really be a Catholic and be for abortion).

Clearly what we have here is a failure to communicate. Or, on the general issue of whether it’s ok to kill a living child, a failure to make any logical sense.