Czech Republic Joins Poland, Hungary And Slovakia In Refusing EU-Imposed Refugees

Czech Republic Joins Poland, Hungary And Slovakia In Refusing EU-Imposed Refugees

Refugee resettlement has swept across Europe in the last few years, with several nations, like Germany, France, and Scandinavia going all in. However, a few others have been more cautious, worried that a sudden influx of refugees could alter their society – and this group just keeps getting larger.


The Czech Republic last week joined other Central European nations in withdrawing from the European Union’s 2015 migrant resettlement program. The program sought to resettle 160,000 refugees across EU states, but the C.R. is bailing over the “dysfunctionality” of the program,

Gateway Pundit


Via Gateway Pundit:

In April, Czech Interior Minister, Milan Chovanec, had stated that his government would have to decide whether resistance to the EU’s quotas was worth the massive fines such a refusal would incur. On Monday, Chovanec announced their decision, a definitive withdrawal based on concerns over terrorism and the vetting of migrants, mainly Muslims from the Middle East.

The decision was supported by a majority of parties across the political spectrum, with even left-wing parties, including the Communist Party, welcoming the announcement.

Public opinion in the Czech Republic, and surrounding countries, runs very strongly against immigration, particularly from Islamic countries.

Ask the average Czech for his opinion on the matter, and you will likely hear concerns about Islamic extremism or anecdotes of ungrateful migrants turning their noses up at Czech hospitality to seek asylum in wealthier countries;

Last year, of a group of Iraqi Christians welcomed to the country in a church-run scheme, 25 cancelled their asylum applications, retrieved their passports and rented a bus to leave for Germany. Complaints about the standard of accommodation from migrants went down badly among Czechs, many of whom struggle to pay their own rents.

The country’s president, Miloš Zeman, one of the few European heads of state to have supported Donald Trump in last year’s US presidential race, has called the current wave of migrants an ‘’organized invasion’’, drawing parallels between the large-scale migration and the opening stages of the Trojan War.

The outspoken president, who recently declared his intention to stand for re-election in 2018, has criticized both the EU and Angela Merkel for their immigration policies, causing outrage in Brussels and Berlin.