Crude Anti-White Anti-Male Anti-Christian Communists Indoctrinate California K-12 Students


It’s worth your taking the time and looking through this material. 

On the very first page is “Religious Oppression”, and the privilege group is “Christian People” and the target group is “All others.” 

It’s as if they have never been to Saudi Arabia, Iran, or any other Muslim nation. 

And their lists just keep going on and on.

What would an America made in the image of the progressives even look like? It would be unrecognizable.

Left-wing hate group Just C… by on Scribd


Leftist hate group “Just Communities” has a $250,000 contract with Santa Barbara educators to brainwash students. Above is an excerpt from a curriculum the Santa Barbara Unified School District has paid $250,000 for to an organization called “Just Communities” to impose on its K-12 students.