Congressional Democrat is calling for gender equality … in crash-test dummies

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The world of auto crash-test dummies is apparently male-dominated – but a Democrat in Congress is hoping to change that, according to a report.

Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting representative of Washington, D.C., says the lack of female crash-test dummies means that vehicle collision risks for women are not adequately studied, according to the Washington Times.

Norton serves on the House Transportation subcommittee on highways and transit. She called for Congress to introduce legislation regarding her concerns.

“Women have achieved equality on the road when it comes to driving but when it comes to safety testing to keep them safe on the road, they are nowhere near achieving equality,” Norton said in a statement, according to the Times.

DC Democrat calls for gender equality – in crash-test dummies

The world of auto crash-test dummies is apparently male-dominated – but a Democrat in Congress is hoping to change that, according to a report. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting representative of Washington, D.C., says the lack of female crash-test dummies means that vehicle collision risks for women are not adequately studied, according to the Washington Times.