Coldest July 13th in Saint John in at least 146 years

If a record hot in Lewiston confirms Global Warming, does a record cold in New Brunswick confirm Global Cooling? 

Record cold in New Brunswick.

Weather summary for New Brunswick
issued by Environment Canada
Friday 14 July 2017.

The following stations set a daily minimum temperature record on
July 13, 2017:

Grand Manan
New record of 4.9
Old record of 7.8 set in 1895
Records in this area have been kept since 1883

Saint John
New record of 5.5
Old record of 5.6 set in 1886
Records in this area have been kept since 1871

Since records have been kept in Saint John “only” since 1871, this could possibly have been the coldest July 13th in more than 146 years.