Cold Snap Brings Snowfall to the Sahara Desert – for the second winter in a row

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Spectacular scenes today in Algeria as snow covered the sand dunes in Ain El Safra! Snow visible also in imagery by NASA’s Terra satellite. Report: Crt Sidali, Gian Alonso, Rabah Ripou Ouchen, Issam Bouchetata Bouchetata, ⵯⴰⵍⵉⴷ ⵏⴻⵇⵇⵉⵛ, Amayas Mazigh, حسام مسعودي

Stunning photos capture rare snow in the Sahara Desert

Incredible photos capture freak snowfall in the Sahara Desert, believed to be first time it has fallen on the unforgiving red dunes in almost 40 years. The largest hot desert on the planet, spanning 3,600,000 sq. mi.