Translation: If we bring North Korea into the 21st Century, they will start to prosper and use more energy. Rather, we should reduce our carbon footprint to match that of North Korea, reverting the US to a 3rd World nation.
Here’s how climate factors into Trump’s talks with Kim
Jean Chemnick, E&E News reporter
Published: Monday, May 21, 2018…
Experts doubt the climate pact will play a role in the historic meeting between Trump and Kim scheduled for next month in Singapore. But if the summit occurs, they say, it could have a negative effect on global warming.
That’s because if sanctions against North Korea are lifted, the hermit nation’s coal could flow onto the world market, with the bulk of it ending up in South Korea, Japan and China. Also, the United States and its allies once again are offering to help North Korea provide electricity to its people — a sweetener that has been used in the past and that would likely be accomplished with fossil fuel technology that would take advantage of North Korea’s domestic coal reserves.
The country has an estimated 100 billion metric tons of coal in reserve, and exporting it is an economic mainstay. Last year, the U.N. Security Council responded to North Korea’s missile tests by slapping a $400 million annual cap on North Korean coal exports.
Ming Wan, a professor of government and politics at George Mason University, said the loss of access to the Chinese market has been particularly painful for Pyongyang. China had been increasing its purchases of North Korean coal in recent years. Reuters reported last week that North Korean traders have responded to hopes that sanctions might be lifted soon by selling coal to Chinese buyers at cut-rate prices and stockpiling it for them inside North Korea.
The relaxation of sanctions would almost certainly be part of any deal to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear arsenal.
Most ordinary North Koreans live without power during the day, despite the country’s status as a net energy exporter. That energy poverty kept North Korea’s greenhouse gas emissions at 63.8 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2013, while South Korea put out 673.5 MtCO2e — more than 10 times as much.
Pompeo said if North Korea denuclearized, U.S. capital would flow into sectors of its economy ranging from agriculture to power infrastructure.
Claim: A Trump Success With North Korea Would Accelerate Global Warming
h/t Dr. Willie Soon / James Delingpole / Breitbart – Progressives are alarmed that if President Trump successfully defuses the North Korean nuclear standoff, a flood of North Korean coal on world markets might accelerate global warming. Here’s how climate factors into Trump’s talks with Kim NORTH KOREA Jean Chemnick, E&E News reporter Published: Monday, May 21, 2018 …