
Dale’s bi-weekly Op-Ed articles that run in the Moscow-Pullman Daily News.

His View: No One Is a Climate Change Denier, Part 2

My second column on Climate Change Denial ran in today’s Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Enjoy! I appreciate the interaction concerning the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) hypothesis. This hypothesis assumes that human activity is completely responsible for all warming that we experience today. As with any scientific hypothesis, the burden lies with AGW proponents to demonstrate that

His View: No One Is a Climate Change Denier, Part 2 Read More »


His View: Measles cases demand perspective, not panic

My OpEd ran in yesterday’s Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Enjoy! When I entered the navy in 1981, I ran the gauntlet of medical corpsmen with jet injectors giving every inoculation conceivable, including vaccinations for measles, mumps, and chickenpox (even though I already had those three diseases as a child). Because military members can be deployed anywhere

His View: Measles cases demand perspective, not panic Read More »