Campaign Disclosures Shed Light on Idaho Supreme Court Candidates

Via Idaho Politics Weekly

The two winners of the May primary for the open seat on the Idaho Supreme Court, Rupert attorney Robyn Brody and State Senator Curt McKenzie, are starting the general election in different financial positions.

Both powered through the four candidates in the May primary, with Brody taking 30.3% of the vote and McKenzie close behind at 27.7%. Trailing further behind were Court of Appeals Justice Sergio Gutierrez (21.4%) and Deputy Attorney General Clive Strong (20.7%).

Somewhat uniquely for an Idaho judicial race, McKenzie ran on his legislative service and his GOP credentials. He obtained the endorsement of many of his legislative colleagues and had the backing of the National Rifle Association, Idaho Chooses Life, Idaho Farm Bureau and the Fraternal Order of Police and Professional Firefighters of Idaho.

In contrast, Brody ran as an in-the-trenches attorney from a small town and did not rely on endorsements. But, much of her fundraising and support derived from her fellow attorneys all over Idaho. She also obtained, with Gutierrez, the top ranking in the Idaho State Bar survey.

After the primary, Brody told Robert Ehlert of the Idaho Statesman she led the pack because of three things: 1) Her connection to people, 2) Lawyers are ready to have a lawyer on the bench and 3) “[P]lain old-fashioned hard work.”