California legally recognizes third gender option on birth certificates and state ID cards

NewImageI’m surprised they waited that long. 

Next year, California will begin legally recognizing a third gender for state residents who do not identify as male or female.

Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed theGender Recognition Acton Sunday to make it easier for people to change their gender on state identification cards and birth certificates, and to add a “nonbinary” option, the Sacramento Beereported.

The new law—which will take effect on Sept. 1, 2018—defines the designation of “nonbinary” as an “umbrella term for people with gender identities that fall somewhere outside of the traditional conceptions of strictly either female or male.”

This classification includes but is not limited to some transgender individuals, those born with intersex traits, those who use gender-neutral pronouns, and those who describe their genders as “agender, genderqueer, gender fluid, Two Spirit, bigender, pangender, gender nonconforming, or gender variant.”

The bill will also make it easier for residents to change their gender to male or female, eliminating the need for a court order or proof of clinical treatment to apply for gender changes. Advocates of the law say this change will expand rights for California’s LGBT community, the Bee noted.

Via Business Insider

1 thought on “California legally recognizes third gender option on birth certificates and state ID cards”

  1. Scott Dredge

    Wow! This throws a monkey wrench into the North Caroline bathroom bans for trannies. NC will need to get more creative when trying to legally punish the LBGTQ+ crowd.

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