California and China team up to defy US climate retreat

Let me guess: California must start it’s Carbon cutbacks now. China doesn’t have to do anything until 2030, when it will be required to freeze it’s carbon outputs. Oh, and that happens after the world has reached the apocalypse. Brilliant. 

California has signed a cooperation agreement with China on clean energy technology, emissions trading and air pollution reduction in an effort to bridge the gap left by President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the US from the Paris climate accord last week.

Under the pact, signed at an environmental tech summit in Beijing on Tuesday, California and China will work to develop and commercialize expertise on carbon capture and storage, clean energy and information technology to rein in pollution.

“The challenges are big but so too is the commitment – the commitment of Jiangsu Province with California and China with the people of America. We’re going to get it done. Nothing will stop us,” said Governor Brown in a statement. “Green is not only gold, green is our future – China, California and America and the other countries of the world all working for the prosperity of the people.”