Before Being Cancelled Tim Allen Destroyed Liberal Snowflakes On Last Man Standing! [Video]

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ABC has cancelled its Tim Allen-starring sitcom Last Man Standing after six seasons, the network confirmed Wednesday.
ABC and production partner 20th Century Fox TV had reportedly usually negotiated over licensing fees for the comedy series before each season; this time, according to Deadline, there was no negotiation, and the network simply pulled the plug on the show.

The show was one of the few (if not the only) broadcast network sitcom to appeal to conservative, blue-collar America, a true oddity since Allen has noted in interviews that the program was written by liberal writers. (scroll down for video)

Allen himself is also conservative, and has in the past expressed support for President Donald Trump.

Last Man Standing fans took to Twitter Wednesday and Thursday to urge another network, perhaps Netflix or CMT, to pick it up, while some accused the ABC of axing the show for political reasons.

In the most recent season of “Last Man Standing,” in Episode 9 titled “Precious Snowflake,” Tim absolutely eviscerates whiny liberal snowflakes and their microaggressions after his daughter asks for help with a school project.