Bashing Hillary Clinton back in style among Republicans

The Republicans are covering their bases. If Hillary runs in 2020, and if they wait until then to open investigations into her criminal activities, it will send a bad message. 

This way, they open the investigation now and sit on it. If she doesn’t run, the investigation goes away. If she does run, they can move forward with the investigation and say it’s been in progress for four years. 

Hillary Clinton is back, as Republicans try to make people forget its failure to do much this year by bashing the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate.

The GOP is returning to a time-tested strategy for rallying its base. It’s a tactic crucial to the party’s hopes for retaining control of the House and Senate next year, because so far, Republicans can’t promote their effectiveness.

Despite control of the White House and both Houses of Congress, the party has been unable to repeal and replace Obamacare. Next month, it’s likely to struggle to revamp the tax code or spending significantly. And Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

But now, Republicans can eagerly remind voters, they’re at least making sure Clinton doesn’t get away with anything.

Via Tribune News Service