As Florida recount wraps up, Democrat Gillum concedes

Looks like the Democrats just couldn’t find any more lost ballot boxes.

They obviously underestimated how many they’d need. 

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Democrat Andrew Gillum ended his hard-fought campaign for Florida governor on Saturday, just hours before counties must turn in their official results following days of recounting ballots.

Gillum, in a video that he posted on Facebook, congratulated Republican Ron DeSantis but vowed to remain politically active although he gave no clues as his future plans. His term as Tallahassee mayor ends next week.

“This has been the journey of our lives,” said Gillum, who appeared in the video with his wife, R. Jai Gillum. “Although nobody wanted to be governor more than me, this was not just about an election cycle. This was about creating the kind of change in this state that really allows the voices of everyday people to show up again in our government.”

As Florida recount wraps up, Democrat Gillum concedes

News > Nation Sat., Nov. 17, 2018, 3:42 p.m. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Democrat Andrew Gillum ended his hard-fought campaign for Florida governor on Saturday, just hours before counties must turn in their official results following days of recounting ballots.