April Ryan Accuses Trump of Saying White People Made America.

She heard him say it, but she cannot find it anywhere. 



April Ryan Accuses Trump of Saying White People Made America. What Is She Talking About?

American Urban Radio Networks reporter April Ryan asked a particularly odd question of White House press secretary Sean Spicer following President Donald Trump’s visit to the African-American History Museum Tuesday that I wanted to flag: [Emphasis added] RYAN: What did the president gain from his tour today?

RYAN: What did the president gain from his tour today? You talked about where he visited, the exhibits that he visited. Did he also visit [the slavery exhibit]? And the reason why I’m asking this is because when he was candidate Trump, he said things like, you know, ‘We made this country,’ meaning white America, not necessarily black.

SPICER: I don’t know why you would say that. What do you mean–?

RYAN: No, no, no. He said that. I heard him say that.