Alabama Girl Crushed As Mother Explains She May Never Have Opportunity To Kill Offspring

10022679457254184864Again, more non-satire satire. 

TUSCALOOSA, AL—Seven-year-old Gloria Hutchins was taken aside by her mother today and informed that thanks to new abortion laws, she may never enjoy the opportunity to kill her offspring. The two shared tears as Hutchin’s mother, Heather, explained how, back in the good old days, if she decided she wanted to have sex without any discrepancy or thought, that was totally fine because she could always just end the life she had created. 

Alabama Girl Crushed As Mother Explains She May Never Have Opportunity To Kill Offspring

TUSCALOOSA, AL-Seven-year-old Gloria Hutchins was taken aside by her mother today and informed that thanks to new abortion laws, she may never enjoy the opportunity to kill her offspring.