Aerosols Hurricane Season 2017

And now for something completely different. 

NASA just released this spectacular animation of the atmosphere during hurricane season. You are looking at something we call “Aerosols”… stuff like fine dust, smoke and salt particles. This new GEOS Simulation is a HUGE step forward in atmospheric monitoring and simulation. For Floridians there is a lot to take note of in this video like the hurricanes (salt) and the vast plumes of dust coming off Africa. You may remember hurricane Ophelia which hit Ireland as a post tropical cyclone. At 1:40 mins in you can see Ophelia pick up smoke from Portugal’s extensive fires and stream it north into the UK. We saw video of that. Also you can clearly see the western wildfire smoke. Just incredible work by NASA. CBS 12 News From NASA: The Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center has developed the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS), a family of mathematical models. Combined with data from NASA’s Earth observing satellites, the supercomputer simulations enhance our scientific understanding of specific chemical, physical, and biological processes.