“Get the f*** out and give sh** back.”
At a protest in Seattle yesterday, a crowd went through the city’s neighborhoods and said reparations are coming:
“All y’all white motherfuckers get the fuck out of our neighborhood…get the fuck out!”
“Pay the fee! Open your purse!pic.twitter.com/Cg84MTkNlc
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) August 14, 2020
At another point in the night, the crowd in Seattle heckled people saying:
“Give us your house… Give black people back their homes!”
"You're ok with it, but guess what we're not and we're bringing it to your front fucking door!"pic.twitter.com/vKPAllRNua
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) August 14, 2020