ACLU argues Idaho judge should force disclosure of execution drugs

I think we should have veterinarians do all of the lethal injections. They know how to humanely put animals to sleep. 

BOISE, Idaho – Idaho’s attempt to withhold information about the source of its lethal injection drugs is similar to hiding the type of ammunition used by firing squads or the brand of rope used in a hanging, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho told a state judge on Monday. 

The arguments from the ACLU’s Ritchie Eppink came at the close of a trial pitting the Idaho Department of Corrections against a University of Idaho professor who sued for access to execution documents under the state’s Public Records Act.

ACLU argues Idaho judge should force disclosure of execution drugs

Idaho’s attempt to withhold information about the source of its lethal injection drugs is similar to hiding the type of ammunition used by firing squads or the brand of rope used in a hanging, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho told a state judge on Monday.