Global Satellites: 2016 not Statistically Warmer than 1998

The satellite data is much better than surface data. And the satellite data cannot be fudged the way the surface data is. 

From Dr. Roy Spencer

Strong December Cooling Leads to 2016 Being Statistically Indistinguishable from 1998

The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for December 2016 was +0.24 deg. C, down substantially from the November value of +0.45 deg. C (click for full size version): 

The resulting 2016 annual average global temperature anomaly is +0.50 deg. C, which is (a statistically insignificant) 0.02 deg. C warmer than 1998 at +0.48 deg. C. We estimate that 2016 would have had to be 0.10 C warmer than 1998 to be signirficantly different at the 95% confidence level. Both 2016 and 1998 were strong El Nino years.