ISIS supporters on the group’s main forum and Telegram channel celebrated Monday, after an assailant drove his car into a crowd and then stabbed victims with a butcher knife at Ohio State University in Columbus, leaving as many as 10 injured people. So far, nothing is known about the assailant’s motivations or if he had links to terror groups, though police are investigating that as a possibility.
Users on the Islamic State’s al-Minbar forum praised the unknown attacker praying that “God would accept him in heaven.” “The knives of Zarqawi’s kitchens started to deliver,” wrote one, using the surname of a prominent militant. It’s common for the Islamic State to praise acts of violence in Western countries, even if the terror group had no role in planning or directing the attack.
On Saturday, official ISIS media released a video encouraging would-be lone wolves on how to carry out terror attacks in the United States and Europe. “There is no need to use firearms, like a rifle or a pistol,” said an ISIS member who appeared in the video. He offered advice on what type of knives to use and instructs viewers on how to stab victims efficiently.
Via Vocativ