Idaho Lt. Governor Concerned City of Moscow is Prosecuting Teens for Stickers

156559761 3707457325974291 272808899972922168 n jpgFrom Moscow Report

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho–Saturday, Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin expressed concern that City of Moscow is prosecuting teens for posting stickers on poles.

“There are some in power that do not believe our people are still experiencing restrictions on their freedoms,” McGeachin said, speaking at the Kootenai County Republican Lincoln Day event.

McGeachin shared a powerpoint picture of the chalk art of Soviet Moscow image. She also showed an image of the Soviet Moscow sticker and read the words “Soviet Moscow Enforced Because We Care.”

Rory Wilson, 18, a student at New Saint Andrews College, and his younger brother, 14, were stopped by Moscow Police for posting stickers on poles around Moscow which read, “Soviet Moscow Enforced Because We Care.” 

The Wilson teenagers posted them in protest of the arrests that took place at a peaceful psalm sing outside City Hall in September 2020.

A few days later, the Wilsons were delivered summons stating that each had been charged with 13 counts of posting signs or fliers on poles without permission. Each misdemeanor count carries a maximum of six months in prison.

IMG 6813 jpgRead more of the Sticker Prosecuting story here.

McGeachin explained that there were many other stickers posted on these poles but only these two young men were arrested and charged.

McGeachin added that one of teens was Valedictorian for his school graduation.

Michelle Malkin, TV news commentator at Newsmax TV, the keynote speaker for the event, also referenced the Wilsons: “These two brave teenagers facing 13 misdemeanors for speaking obvious truths.”

Malkin added that these teenagers were “showing a community what it means to be an active, engaged, patriotic citizen.”

“We need more of that.”

In response to the news of the prosecution against these teenagers, four chalk murals were drawn on Moscow city sidewalks.

4276The murals were red and yellow, with a sickle and the words: “Soviet Moscow: Enforced Because We Care.”

The chalk murals were drawn on main street near Friendship Square and also in front of City Hall.

Kip Mock, who created the chalk drawings, explained in a Moscow Report video: “Instead of backing off [the city] has doubled down on their frankly idiotic and tyrranical laws that they have put in place.”

“Soviet Moscow” chalk art demonstration

Thursday evening four chalk murals were drawn downtown in protest of the mask mandate and the response from the city of Moscow to free speech. The city responded immediately be erasing them the next morning. This video shows the art, and gives information about the purpose of the chalk art demonstration.