I love it when the left eat their own. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people.
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Nancy Pelosi stands in the way of progress, and has done so for decades.That’s why #PelosiMustGo.My name is Shahid Buttar, and I approve this message. pic.twitter.com/AVkfcZp51a
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It’s pretty simple. There’s going to be Nancy Pelosi and Shahid Buttar on the ballot in CA-12, two Democratic candidates. So your choices are someone who’ll fight for $100 millionaires like herself or someone who’ll fight for you on issues like Medicare-for-all. #PelosiMustGo https://t.co/zb2zucYiRr
‘Pelosi Must Go’: Speaker Blasted From The Left Over ‘Corporate Interests’
Even Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is not safe from the “cancelation” mobs, it turns out, as she discovered this weekend when she became the target of a progressive effort to oust her from her long-held seat in the House of Representatives.