Sharia Law: Is Its Goal to Subjugate Humanity?

Since progressives won’t speak about against the abominable things that are done to women in the name of Islam for fear of being labeled a hater, these kinds of things continue. Via Clarion Project:

Sharia literally means the “way” or “path.” Historically articulated, it is a shorthand term for an amorphous body of legal rulings, judgments and opinions, assembled over the course of many centuries after the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s death. It is based on the Quran and a copious number of hadiths (the sayings and acts of Muhammad) developed by the fuqaha (jurists) whose opinions enjoy an almost absolute authority over the faithful.

As a rule of law, it precludes the development of human reason as it is viewed as an expression of Allah’s inscrutable will. It is this same supremacy that renders sacred and permanent the concept of inequality between the Islamic community and the non-Islamic community, between the Muslim and the non-Muslim, and between man and woman.

There are two essential weaknesses of sharia, due to which the Islamic social realm has been absorbed into the whims of the political one: its autonomy and its incompletion. As a codification of customs, it does not depend on any official body (state or clerical), and therefore there is no universal concordance on its legislation within the Islamic body politic.

Sharia thus generates a zone parallel to a political or authoritative one that can be either circumvented or manipulated by people in authority. It may therefore be said to contain law, but at the same time, it is composed of elements and aspects that are not law per se since it excludes judgement.

The problem of having sharia alongside a Western legal system is that this will eventually lead to a systematic breakdown of civil/constitutional and governmental authority and regulation over its citizens.

We must remember sharia advocates, such as the American-Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), do not merely pursue concessions from government officials regarding sharia law, but rather their full and total capitulation, especially since they hold that everyone, regardless of religious affiliation falls within its jurisdiction.

As expressed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (1990):

“Allah…gave humanity a universal and well-balanced civilization, in which harmony [under the Islamic Sharia] is established between hereunder and the hereafter, knowledge is combined with faith, and to fulfill the expectations from this community to guide all humanity, which is confused because of different and conflicting beliefs and ideologies and to provide solutions for all chronic problems of this materialistic civilization.”

Because of the political correctness on the part of the media, various politicians and church officials, sharia proponents have gained a greater foothold in our society. They will eventually threaten our way of life.