MSD asks voters for levy bump

MSD and the Daily News calls this a “bump”. 

I think that raising taxes by 17% isn’t a “bump” — unless you have an agenda by calling it that. 

Also, I find it exceedingly wicked to pass a tax in perpetuity on the unborn. 

The real question: do we have the right to turn off the spigot? 

The Moscow School District is due for a raise, according to Superintendent Greg Bailey.

The League of Women Voters of Moscow hosted Bailey on Wednesday to discuss a proposal to raise the district’s indefinite maintenance and operations levy by $1.9 million to a total of $11.4 million.

If approved by voters Nov. 9, Bailey said the lift will cost taxpayers $0.29 per $1,000 of assessed property value annually – or about $29 for a home valued at $100,000.

Bailey said Moscow’s indefinite levy distinguishes it from other local districts, many of which have similar taxes that expire at the end of each year – meaning a new measure must be placed on ballots annually to replace expiring levies.

While the Moscow School District does not have to ask voters for permission to continue to levy the same rate each year, Bailey said raising the rate requires a simple majority at the ballot box.

“Since 1992, I think there’s been five times that we have had to come back to the taxpayers and ask for an increase of this indefinite supplemental levy,” Bailey said. “The last time we asked was seven years ago. We’re excited that we were able to stretch it out seven years – that matches the other longest time that we were able to stretch it out.”