Wow. How many false statements can someone make in one Letter to the Editor? Try to count them:
Let us remember, Moscow, that Logos is owned and operated by Christ Church.
This group began efforts years ago to turn Moscow into a conservative evangelical stronghold. Unfortunately, like a malignant cancer, they seem to be succeeding, at least in acquiring large amounts of property while giving nothing back to the community.
Many may recall that the leadership of this organization is virulently misogynistic, espousing a philosophy that insists women be treated as property and denied a voice in the home, the church and society.
Many may recall the two sex offenders Doug Wilson defended so enthusiastically and who are still church members.
The leadership blames women for the abuse they suffer from their husbands.
The women “aren’t submissive enough.”
This just keeps going on and on.
I feel sorry for Holli Cooper. She really needs to get out and meet these women that she is maligning. She may be surprised to see that they are anything but doormats.