Record cold in Moscow

Moscow, Russia, that is. But still. 

Global warming will do this to you. 

The first summer night in the capital region was very cold, with the minimum temp at a number of stations in Moscow and the Moscow region breaking previous records.

Even in the center of the capital, the temperature dropped to 6.5ºC as opposed to the previous record of 6.6ºC, which was the coldest night since 1948, and near Moscow State University the temperature dropped to 5.5ºC. The coldest temperature in the last 80 years was at the TCAA station, 4.5ºC.

Bragging rights go to Cherusti in the suburbs, where the mercury dropped to a record -1.7ºC.

Until this year, on June 1, the minimum air temperature at any of the meteorological stations was not negative!

Record cold on the night of June 1 was also in Istra and Volokolamsk.