I’ve been to Leipzig. Granted, it was back in 1979 when it was under USSR control…
Also, heavy snowfall completely paralyzed train traffic at Leipzig Central Station, Leipzig’s main station on Saturday.
The winter comeback has also helped Essen set a new negative record in temperature. Since the beginning of weather record there has been no other March 17 as cold as on March 17, 2018, according to the German Weather Service in Essen. The previous record high for the date of 0.3 degrees was set in 1985. “We will probably not reach over it during the day,” said a spokesman on Saturday morning when the temperature stood at -4 degrees.
Via: https://www.waz.de/region/eisiger-wind-in-nrw-essen-erlebt-den-kaeltesten-17-maerz-id213747917.html