WSU President responds to call for pay cut for administrators

I posted about this previously (Petition circling to cut WSU adminstrators’ salaries, and WSU Faculty Blow the Whistle on Administrators’ Salaries).

The WSU president has replied: you are not going to balance the budget on the back of the wealthy.

Funny, the liberal academicians don’t mind trying to balance the deficit on the back of wealthy Americans. But they are not willing to do it to themselves.  


Organizers of the petition calling for cuts to administrators pay at Washington State University say they have received a response from the school’s president.  WSU Professor Liz Siler says her group received the response from President Kirk Schulz on Friday.  According to Siler, the president stated that, “It would not be appropriate to ask one group of employees to bear the disproportionate brunt of spending reductions.”

WSU is trying to solve a 30 million dollar budget shortfall.  The petition, with over a thousand signatures, calls for cutting administrator salaries that exceed 200,000 dollars.  The group wants to see those salaries cut by 30% which would save WSU 5 million dollars annually.  Siler says she had hoped for a more substantive response from the president and believes that focusing cuts on a small number of highly paid employees reduces the costs to WSU’s mission of teaching, research and service.  The petition organizers say that WSU spends more than its peer institutions on administrators.