Chicago Hate Crime Kidnapper gets no Prison Time for her Crimes


I’m disgusted but not surprised. Via Crowder:

There were plenty stories in 2017 to turn our stomachs. But, no other tale made us sicker than the time four teenaged kidnappers tortured a white special needs man. Because “Trump” and “honkies.” A hate crime if I ever saw one. If the story wasn’t already bad enough for you, they also live-streamed the torture session on Facebook.

Well, the first kidnapper received her sentence, and it’s about as fitting as Michael Moore in a movie theater seat.

Calling the incident “horrific,” Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks banned Covington from social media over the four years, prohibited her from contact with two of her co-defendants and ordered her to do 200 hours of community service.

Hooks told Covington he could have imposed a prison sentence but added, “I’m not sure if I did that you’d be coming out any better.”

Hooks said he hoped the strict terms of probation would put Covington on a more productive life path, but he warned she would face prison time if she violated any of the restrictions.