This reminds me of the feelings towards educations. Millennials are demonstrably the least educated and most privileged Americans in recent history, yet they feel like they are the best educated. Via Gallup:
Americans have become slightly heavier in recent years, but they also seem to have grown more comfortable with it. Between 2003-2007 and 2013-2017, Americans’ self-reported weight edged up along with the number of pounds they offer as their “ideal” weight, yet the percentage who consider themselves overweight has declined.
Much of the change since 2003 occurred in the middle of that period, from 2008-2012. However, Americans’ actual weight and ideal weight have crept up slightly since then. While Americans are heavier, they are less likely to see themselves as overweight compared with 2003-2007, which aligns with the finding that they are also less likely to want to lose weight or to be seriously trying to cut pounds.