Adios California: A fifth-generation Californian laments his state’s ongoing economic collapse

I know that I didn’t want my kids growing up in California. Here’s an excerpt:

Today, large sections of California look like a Third World country with ramshackle buildings, junky cars and trash strewn everywhere. We even have outbreaks of Hepatitis A, just like the Third World has. A state cannot chase away the producers and attract the takers year after year without economic consequences. That doesn’t end well so there’s little doubt California is headed toward economic disaster. Perhaps it is time for conservatives to support California’s succession movement before the state completely collapses and comes begging the federal government for a bailout.

What’s sad is that so many people fleeing California are trying to turn their new home states into California. I guess they really want California-lite. 

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5 thoughts on “Adios California: A fifth-generation Californian laments his state’s ongoing economic collapse”

  1. Scott Dredge

    Fake blogging. California’s population is increasing. Chart it.

  2. Did anyone say that the population wasn’t still increasing? You can have a population increase and economic collapse.

  3. Scott Dredge

    Yeah – well let me know when the California economic collapse occurs. I also recall the so-called ‘college education bubble’ from more than a decade ago that you were predicting would collapse too. And yet colleges continue to raise their fees and have more applicants than they can accept.

    1. And people said the same thing about the housing bubble.

      Things that are unsustainable won’t sustain.

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