Liberals Freak After Christians Say They Still Believe What They Believed Before

The #NashvilleStatement affirms what Christians have believed for 2000 years. And the left goes wild! 

The Left practically lit its own hair on fire in anger after a group of evangelical Christians affirmed Tuesday that they still think exactly what they thought before.

Seriously. That’s all that happened.

Late last week, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood issued what’s come to be known as the Nashville Statement, a simple manifesto affirming longstanding Christian doctrine on sexuality, along with the Biblical definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman.The list of signers included prominent evangelical leaders like Al Mohler, John MacArthur, John Piper and Russell Moore, among dozens of others.

While newly reaffirmed, nothing in the statement’s 14 articles changed a thing regarding basic Christian doctrine. It was about as earth-shattering as saying water is still wet. But of course, that didn’t keep the Left from freaking out, as though basic Judeo-Christian values were suddenly something new.