Business hired by the RNC exposed data of millions of voters online

This may be a concern for those of you who are registered as Republicans. 

A Virginia data firm working for the Republican National Committee left voting records of 198 million Americans exposed on the internet and accessible to anyone, a California cybersecurity firm said Monday.

The data firm not only left exposed the vast national database but also precise and painstaking projections for most voters of their projected attitudes on a variety of issues, including Obamacare, lower taxes, immigration, fossil fuels and environmental consciousness.

The records were exposed to anyone who knew rudimentary search techniques, said UpGuard, a Mountain View, Calif., cybersecurity firm, but the records have since been secured again.

The enormous national database included names, dates of birth, home addresses, phone numbers, party affiliation, racial demographics and voter registration status, UpGuard said in its internet post.

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