University of Colorado to Segregate Black Student Dorms… For the Sake of ‘Diversity’

Because nothing says diversity better than segregation. </sarcasm>

CU-Boulder to offer ‘social justice living environment’

The University of Colorado at Boulder recently announced plans to transform one of its residence halls into a “Social Justice Living Environment” in the fall. According to a press release on the matter, the Hallett Hall will be split into three ” Living Learning Communities,” one for “LGBTQIA-identified students and their allies,” another for “students passionate about diversity,” and a third for “black-identified students and their allies.”

U of Colorado Sets up ‘Social Justice Dorm’ for Special Snowflake Students

Sheltered campus leftists need safe spaces apart from society to avoid being triggered by microaggressions. To that end, the University of Colorado at Boulder is dedicating one of its residence halls to transform it into a “Social Justice Living Environment.”