I’ve spent a lot of time at Huntington Beach. They are a favorite location for bonfires on the ocean. But I never saw any of this!
The seaside community of Huntington Beach, California, was the scene of chaotic, violent, brawls as supporters and opponents of US President Donald Trump clashed, leading to four arrests.
Trump supporters were holding a rally Saturday in the popular southern Californian beach town when multiple fights broke out with demonstrators who had come to protest the event. The Los Angeles Times reported that the violence was sparked after one of the protesters pepper sprayed a woman who was one of the rally’s organizers.
ConcernedGMA⭐️⭐️⭐️ on Twitter
The anti Trump protestors in Huntington Beach were out numbered! https://t.co/L8BoasbwdR
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Ed Joyce on Twitter
Pro-Trump marchers & protesters clash Saturday around the U.S. – from #HuntingtonBeach to #Philadelphia @ocregister https://t.co/PKZ8GSPIfR