What’s Next on the Racist Agenda? Pool!


From Gary DeMar: 

So what’s next on the “it’s racist” agenda? I hate to bring it up since someone reading this article might take it seriously and ruin an industry and a sport: the game of pool.

There’s one white ball, the cue ball, and 15 colored balls. Here’s the really bad part. In a game of  Eightball, the object is to eliminate all the colored balls in order to hunt down and sink the black ball. There are mixed race balls as well: the striped balls.

Sure enough; it’s already been suggested:

So basically, the objective of the game is for ‘The White Ball to knock all of the Coloured Balls off the table’. If the Black Ball is sunk the game is Immediately OVER. Yet the White Ball returns again and again. Now to a closed mind this seems normal, however to me (and this IS just MY opinion) this seems racist. (Above Top Secret)

But what about bowling? The ball is usually black and the pins are white with red necks. You see, “racism” cuts both ways. Being “in the black” is good. Being “in the red” is bad. Is accounting against Native Americans?