9 Reasons You Shouldn’t Listen To Bill Nye About Science

9 Reasons You Shouldn’t Listen To Bill Nye About Science

Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Bill Nye, the so-called “Science Guy,” went round and round about the issue of climate change on Monday night. Carlson kept asking Nye basic questions about the subject and Nye kept deflecting and saying the issue was settled. Here are nine reasons you shouldn’t listen to Bill Nye about science.

Here is the condensed list. You should go read them for yourselves including the background on each one. 

  1. 1. Nye’s background has more to do with comedy than science. National Review’s Ian Tuttle
  2. For somebody who engages in moral preening about climate change, Nye gets a lot of facts wrong about the issue. Media Research Center TV’s Jeff Dunetz
  3. Nye doesn’t understand the basic science surrounding the abortion debate is laughable. Nye’s asinine video has been debunked herehere and here with actual science.
  4. Nye also doesn’t understand quantum entanglement. Here is a brief explanation
  5. Nye thinks that anti-Semitism can be solved by simply “getting to know your neighbors.” Seriously.
  6. Nye has called for NASCAR to immediately switch to electric cars, even though it would severely limit the sport. 
  7. Nye seems to be more pre-occupied with palling around with celebrities than studying the field of science.
  8. Nye seems to be ok with jailing those who don’t agree with him on climate change.
  9. The founder of the Weather Channel is rightfully angry that Nye has any sort of credibility on the issue of science. “I have always been amazed that anyone would pay attention to Bill Nye, a pretend scientist in a bow tie,” John Coleman told Climate Depot.