5 Judge Napolitano Quotes to Supercharge your Libertarianism


1. Security versus freedom.

“Whenever we are attacked, people are willing to give up someone else’s liberties for their own security.”

2. Not so free speech.

“If I told you that a country passed laws that imprisoned a pastor for fifteen years for Christian pacifism, you might think I was talking of Iran. If I told you that a woman was imprisoned for ten years for criticizing her government, you might think I was speaking of the gulag in the Soviet Union. If I told you that a salesman was arrested and imprisoned for seven to twenty years for calling wartime regulations a big joke, you would think I was surely exaggerating or even making it up. I’m not. Each horrific injustice occurred in America, the land of the free.”

3. Bombing brown children.

“Many people lay the blame at Bush’s feet for beginning weaponized drone warfare, but in reality it was President Clinton who began the U.S. weaponized drone program. After an aerial drone spotted bin Laden in October 2000, President Clinton was frustrated that he could not simply push a button to end the life of the man who had sullied his foreign policy and national security records. President Clinton “gave orders to create an armed drone force.” That program came to fruition under President Bush when on June 18th 2004, the first weaponized drone struck in Waziristan.”

4. Freedom over fear.

“Indeed, Lincoln’s test of a man is also a true test for a nation. To test a nation’s belief in freedom, challenge the people with the emotions of fear and vengeance that often accompany war.”

5. More of the same.

“We must recognize that we do not have a two-party system in this country; we have one party, the big government party. There is a republican version that assaults our civil liberties and loves deficits and war, and a democratic version that assaults our commercial liberty and loves wealth transfers and taxes.”