2 arrested in fight over ‘Make America Great Again’ hat

T61 UFS1KcCL UX679hey would be safer wearing a Nazi flag. 

PORTLAND, Ore. — Two people are facing an assault charge here after getting into an altercation with a man who was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

Twenty-three-year-old Adebisi Okuneye and 22-year-old Leopold Hauser made a court appearance Monday.

Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Bumjoon Park said in a probable cause affidavit that victim Luke Lenzner went to a bar with his wife after midnight on Saturday wearing the hat.

Lenzner’s wife told police she asked her husband to wear the hat in Portland so she could see how people would treat him. She told police both defendants threw punches and Lenzner told police Hauser punched him.

Hauser told police he was trying to protect Okuneye after Lenzner used an expletive and asked her if she liked his hat.

Via the AP.