11,000+ blank Syrian passports in the hands of the Islamic State

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“11,000+ blank Syrian passports in the hands of ISIS – media citing secret docs,” RT, September 10, 2017:

German authorities believe that Islamic State terrorists have stolen over 11,000 blank Syrian passports, confidential documents seen by the Bild am Sonntag newspaper reportedly reveal.

German Investigators have made a list of the serial numbers of the blank passports, the newspaper reported, citing confidential documents of the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the interior ministry and the country’s federal police (BPOL).

“According to BKA information, there are 11,100 Syrian blank passports… in the hands of the IS [Islamic State, also known as ISIS/ISIL],” the documents from the interior ministry reportedly state.

In total, 18,002 blank Syrian passports were stolen from the Syrian government, Bild am Sonntag reported.

Developments in connection with the refugee question have shown that terrorist organizations are using the opportunity to infiltrate potential IS attackers into Europe undetected, a BKA official told the paper…