Why People Buy Medicines From Overseas

People buy medicines from overseas because they are overwhelmingly cheaper. I have friends in California and Arizona that go into Mexico to buy their medicine. They get the same medicines for a quarter the cost. 

Now the question is: why are the US drug prices so much more expensive? Answer: look to the federal government. 


As readers of my research and writing on internet-sourced medicines will know, medicines bought from credentialed pharmacies are as good quality as those bought from brick and mortar pharmacies and US-based web pharmacies.

The above chart shows why people buy medicines sourced from overseas: they are overwhelmingly cheaper. The most expensive price of each of seven medicines sampled equates to “1”, and then the averages of the price of good quality “passing” medicine as related to the most expensive is recorded. From over 800 samples it is pretty obvious that US-sourced medicines are always more expensive than any other source. The US provided the most expensive medicine in each case and easily the highest averages. Take cipro, the first dot on the chart. The US average price is 0.9 (90% of the most expensive price), whereas the EU (not including UK) is about 0.5 (50%) and India is merely 0.12 (12%).

