Universities love double standards. This professor works to combat them.

NewImageProfessor says that he works to hold colleges to their own standards. Via The College Fix

Mark Perry works to champion equality on college campuses – just not the kind embraced by most student activists.

For the past few years, he’s been calling out programs that discriminate against men, sometimes leading to them being opened for all genders.

The University of Michigan-Flint professor wants to hold universities accountable for being consistent in applying their values of diversity and inclusion.

Earlier this year, Perry filed an internal complaint with his university, citing 11 women-only education plans that he believes violates Title IX and UM-Flint’s policy. The university dismissed his complaint without providing a rationale or recourse for Perry to appeal, in violation of Title IX guidance by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.

Due to this stonewalling, Perry recently filed a Title IX complaint with the Office for Civil Rights concerning “28 programs, scholarships, fellowships, initiatives, clubs, camps, awards, etc.,” according to documents he shared with The College Fix.

Perry’s complaint claims these “are either illegal single-gender programs in violation of Title IX and the Michigan Constitution, or are pro-women in ways that provide illegal special preferences for females and that exclude males and operate in practice as single-gender, female-only programs in violation of Title IX.” (Title IX does not require the complainant to be the person who has allegedly suffered sex-based discrimination.)

As recourse, Perry requested either the abolition of all female-only programs at the university, the conversion of these programs into gender-neutral programs, or the creation of equivalent all-male programs.

The case is currently under review, according to Perry. OCR told The Fix it would provide details on the case status but has not provided them as of Thursday night.

“I’m trying to promote a greater concern about being consistent in the application of federal and state law when it comes to discrimination,” he said in a phone interview with The Fix.
